Padding out the torso, adding the 'back pipes' and the shoulder pads. We started on the torso first as this is where the most padding and therefore weight, was going to be. This will alow us to make adjustments to the joints, if they need strengthening, before the limbs are padded and 'skinned'.
Body and head meet for the first time! 
More padding and a backside!
The base for the ribcage is a Plastazote® 'waistcoat' with soft foam pipe insulation glued onto it, which is joined at the back.

This was then covered in the flexible matting material used elsewhere.
Details added to ribs.
Arms clad, more work on the shoulders and more detail work.

Power-dressing is back, complete with shoulder pads!
Yes, they are knee pads, but it was a quick fix
More, shortened vertabrae were continued up the back.
Painting begins.
Another layer of acrylic & latex but this time with more paint and less latex.

First layer of highlights using an acrylic, pearlescent tinting medium mixed with black acrylic paint and applied with a sponge.
More highlights were applied using the pearlescent medium on its own.
Parts of the body were given a layer of mixed blue and black french enamel varnish, applied with a sponge. This gives a shine and a subtle blue sheen.