Bone structure: plastic coated lightweight alloy tubes (sold as plant supports) were cut into lengths to provide the rigid 'bones' of the hands.
Armature wire was threaded through the tubes to create the posable knuckle joints.
These were first wrapped in electrical tape to hold them in place, then padded with polyester wadding and wrapped in parcel tape. Lengths of ribbed electrical conduit was slit lengthways and forced over the padded fingers and then secured using a hot-melt glue gun.
The fingers were then attached to a Plastazote® palm with some electrical tape.

The details around the knuckles were built up with a glue gun and the conduit glued along the sides.
The palm side of the fingers, palm and back of the hands were then covered in a rubber non-slip tool-mat material which was joined and blended by melting with the nozzle of the glue gun and a soldering iron. The whole hand was then painted with liquid latex mixed with black acrylic paint, to blend all the elements, soften the texture and act as a base coat.
Finished paint job.
The claws were cast in clear casting resin, the same as the teeth, then drilled and glued to short lengths of armature wire using Araldite®
Claws attached.
Starting point, using whatever we had left! The claws were cast from the same mold as the teeth, attached to armature wire, pushed into soft pipe insulation and stapled onto a plywood  'sole' other elements were simply added using our remaining resources.
Finished foot.